Stress Relief with Cupping

Pain Relief-Relax Center offers our valuable clients the following services: Massage therapy Acupuncture Physiotherapy Reflexology Natural Path Osteopathy Pain Relief Reflexology Skin Treatment
Pain Relief-Relax Center offers our valuable clients the following services: Massage therapy Acupuncture Physiotherapy Reflexology Natural Path Osteopathy Pain Relief Reflexology Skin Treatment
During this pandemic, it is considered normal to feel stress and anxious. Although for some, this feeling can be overwhelming. It is by far not helping with health preservation that very much needed especially during pandemic and flu season both altogether. Stress and anxious can worsen some existing condition, as well as our immune system. During the pandemic situation like this most people seek substance usage for dealing with their emotion, which is not a good solution either. The…
When you experience pain such as migrant, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, muscle sprain, arthritis, what do you usually do without second thought. 80 % of people choose to take Advil and Tylenol (Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drug, NSAID). The pain is to some extent relieved. But after 4 to 8 hours, the same pain is creeping back and getting worse. You take more pills and more pills or go to your doctor. What will your doctor do? He/she will…
To relieve pain, headache, migrant, Muscle sprain, Tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, most people’s first choice is taking pain killer including ibuprofen (as in Motrin), naproxen (as in Aleve) and celecoxib (as in Celebrex). According to Harvard Health Publishing, it’s estimated about 15% of the US population takes an NSAID (non-steroid anti inflammation drug) regularly (including those that are over the counter and prescription strength). Along with sporadic users, more than 30 billion doses are taken each year. However, as we…