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Natural Balance for Precondition

For many years, I have cheered for my good health until one day. That was a warm early spring morning, the sun was dazzling, and the vibrant grass was waving in the gentle breeze. I sit in the back yard, breathing in the fresh air, hearing the birds chipping, watching the buds sprouting. Suddenly a brisk ring broke the peace. “Good morning, I’m calling from doctor’s office. Dr. Park wants to see you. I jumped up from my chair….

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Herb Tea Restores Natural Balance

The Human body needs a balanced environment to continue all kinds of activities.  Unbalanced body environment will reflect on to the tongue, pulse and complexion but may not show any symptom of sickness. This is so-called sub-health status or pre-condition. Using herb tea fine tunes the body environment. Herb tea usually contains 4 or 5 herbs and each herb weighs 0.1g-0.8g. The combination of the herbs is based on your tongue shape and colour, pulse and complexion. Using herb tea to…

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Natural Balance Broken

We all want to be healthy and stay healthy. So we go for annual physical checkup.  Through blood, urine test, ultrasound and X-ray scan, our doctors will tell us whether all the test results are within the normal range or not. In many years, you were cheered for the normal testing results until one day your doctor called you that your blood sugar was higher than 7.0nmol/L, mm….  you have diabetes. Your blood systolic pressure was over 140, (wow),…

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Importance of Natural Balance

Two thousand years ago, ancient china was separated into 7 countries. The kingdom, Chi is the biggest and the strongest. The king was tall and strong and very ambitious. He wanted to reunite China. One day he won a battle against the other countries. He wanted to throw a party to celebrate the victory. All the famous people were invited. A famous Chinese doctor who was honest and responsible also attended the party. The doctor looked at the king…

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