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Moxibustion is burning of Moxa (mugwort leaves), a small spongy herb to treat diseases. #Moxibustion can enhance healing with #acupuncture. Moxibustion is used to treat #backpain, #tenniselbow, #frozenshoulder, and many more. Pain Relief-Relax Center offers our valuable clients the following services: Massage therapy Acupuncture Physiotherapy Reflexology Natural Path Osteopathy Pain Relief Reflexology Skin Treatment

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Legs Numbness and Feels Heavy?

The other week, we had a nice gentleman came with numbness and heaviness felt in the lower limbs. Other than that, he also feels cold especially on both feet. It started after he finished chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine we look at this as Qi and Blood Stagnation, and also Qi and Blood Deficiency. What is it? That means that the Blood Circulation is not good. Qi and Blood maybe sounds odd for most people. Think as…

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